In a series of truly unfortunate events last month, I bought two Fuji X-T4 cameras only for them both to be broken upon arrival. The first had a power issue where it wouldn’t turn on or hold a charge. The second would take photos but the touch screen wouldn’t operate. My tech background made me troubleshoot way longer than normal because I really wanted it to work, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
So, what else do we have to do other than invoke the word of 2020? We pivoted the hell out of this shit. I had my model already, all I had to do was bring value in some other way.
We shot an entire Facebook Live Boudoir session!
(No cis men are allowed in the group, so please no trying to sneak in to see boobs)
I put my phone on a ladder and photographed Jordyn so that the group chat could be a part of it, interact, and see how easy it is to actually have your own boudoir session. It was a hit!
The last time I photographed Jordyn, I was fresh out of high school. I rented a camera from my college. It was also the last time I’ve actually gotten to see/spend time with Jordyn so we also spent some time catching up. She’s married with a little one now and is still the sweetest soul.
When I walked into the room, I was met with the warmth of three genuinely lovely women. These three women went on to make me feel absolutely beautiful over the course of the few hours we spent together. First of all, the studio is gorgeous and immediately makes you feel relaxed. But then I met Grace and Madee (I know Tayanna from high school) and the three of them immediately put any nervous feelings I had at ease. It’s not often you walk into a room of beautiful, powerful women, and immediately feel the same. I think this aspect alone was one of the best things to come out of my session. Madee was so kind and did my hair and makeup flawlessly. Grace and Tay hyped me up as I tried on various lingerie. Before we began she walked me through the posing process and asked if I had any injuries she should be aware of (I never get asked when participating in things like this) and was accommodating of my shoulder pain that flared up at times. Grace would randomly throw out compliments during a pose, Tay was on point with the way she posed and directed me…i haven’t felt great about my body or appearance since having my son but the two of them gave me the largest confidence boost. You know, it’s one thing to hear from a man that you’re beautiful blah blah…but hearing such wonderful things from a room of women was f***ing amazing. I walked away from that session feeling like a bad bitch and it has carried into the weeks following. I can’t wait to do another session.
Ready to Mingle | Allison
Mother of Frenchies | Liyang
Fenty Boudoir | Niccy
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